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Advance Payment Bond

Advanced Bond

Agency Banking

Non-Motor Policy Description.

All Risk


The All Risks Insurance Policy provides cover for Loss of or Damage to property insured arising from Fire, Theft or any Accidental damage with exception of specific named exclusions

Auctioneer Bond

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Bankers Blanket Bond

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Bid Bond

Security or Bid Bonds are bonds for Pre-qualification and bidding for development projects issued to bidders/tenders/service providers, where the cost of new tendering has to be incurred should the highest bidder fail to take up the offer. The bond is prescribed in a specific format and executed by the guarantor upon the bidder satisfying the requirements and paying the premium by cash/banker's cheque

Boilers and Pressure Vessels

The Contractor's All Risk policy covers protection against damage or destruction to a Contractor on:-

The Contract Works

The Contractor's Plant & Machinery

Material on Site

The various constructions may include:- Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Dams and any other infrastructure


The Burglary Insurance policy compensates the insured's property stolen from their business premises. There must be evidence of forced entry into or out of the premises for this policy to offer compensation, meaning that the premises must be broken into or someone must have forcefully found their way out of the premises.

Fire consequential loss must be taken up together with a fire (material damage) policy.

The Policy also covers costs of repairing damages arising from the forced entry during the burglary. The premises must be guarded by a communal or individual watchman.


FBIA Business provides cover for loss or damage to the insured's property arising from :-

Accidental fire

Explosion (excluding commercial boilers)

Riots, Strikes or other malicious damage, provided the insured was not a participant


Burglary/Theft from visible violent damage to the insured's premises

Armed robbery with the exception of theft/robbery by the business' employees

Carriers Liability

The Carrier's Liability Insurance protects the insured against third party claims that arise from accidental loss or damage to goods in the custody or control of the insured while on transit by road, rail or any other specified means within the territorial limits specified in the schedule of the policy

The company also takes care of all reasonable costs and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by the insured with the company's consent arising in connection with any claim under the policy.

The liability of the company for all compensation payable including costs shall not exceed the limit(s) stated in the schedule of the policy (Sum Insured).

Commercial Insurance General Cartage

Superior protection for your truck. We will get you back on your feet in the shortest time possible with our ULTIMATE comprehensive cover now with ENHANCED BENEFITS.

Commercial Insurance Own Goods

Superior protection for your truck. We will get you back on your feet in the shortest time possible with our ULTIMATE comprehensive cover now with ENHANCED BENEFITS.

Contractors All Risk

The Contractor's All Risk cover offers protection against damage or destruction to a Contractor on:-

The Contract Works

The Contractor's Plant & Machinery

Material on Site

The various constructions may include:-  Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Dams and any other infrastructure


The scope of cover also includes Fire & Perils, Burglary, Floods, Earthquake (commonly known as Acts of God), and unforseen and accidental damage to the property insured


In addition, the policy extends to cover the Contractor's Liability to members of the Public (commonly known as Third Parties) for death, injuries or damage to their properties arising out of the Contractor's Negligence

A limited amount for removal of debris from site after successful completion of the project is also included

The cover also extends to include maintenance period as defined in the Terms of Contract


Breakage of Glass

Storage Risks at Fabricator's Workshop

Cover for surrounding property

Escalation Costs

Express Freight, Holiday and Overtime Rate for wages

Airfreight and additional custom duty

Maintenance Visits and Extended maintenance Cover


A duly completed proposal form

Insured's ID/Registration and PIN

Provide a copy of the terms of the Contract

Details of the Project


Report incidence/claim as soon as the happening

Document the claim by providing the necessary documents i.e; Claim form duly completed, police abstract form, Records of works, etc


Please refer to our Policy Wording


The CPM Insurance Covers all Physical damage done to a contractor's machinery that is not specifically excluded by the policy. These include accidents to the machines not due to gross negligence of the insured and Acts of God such as falling trees or storm damage. The compensation also includes cost to repair or replace the affected machinery at Rest, while on any job site owned by a third party and even when dismantled or reassembled for maintenance.

The policy extends to cover the Contractor's Liability to members of the public (Third Parties) for death, injuries or damage to their properties arising out of the Contractor's negligence

Contractual Liability


This Policy protects an insured against financial liabilities they have assumed by virtue of entering into a contract

Crop - Green House

With climate changes disrupting the weather patterns and creating fundamental changes in temperature and precipitation, the farmers begin to face uncertainty on crops because of the unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable weather. Our Crop Insurance comes in as one of the risk mitigating measures in the loss of crops (Wheat, Barley, Maize, etc)

Crop - Open field

Climate change is causing disrupting weather patterns and creating fundamental changes in temperature and precipitation. Uncertainty facing farmers is unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable.

Crop Insurance comes in as one of the risk mitigating measures in the loss of crop (Wheat, Barley, Maize, etc)

Custom Bonds

Custom Bonds are guarantees provided by either the Insurers or Banks to KRA (Kenya Revenue Authority), that duty will be paid if certain conditions are not met pertaining to goods and merchandise that enter the country through the Port of Mombasa and are bound for destinations outside the country, bonded warehouses in the country, or for major projects undertaken by the Government. These bonds are not insurance policies of indemnity, they are guarantees that if the specific conditions for the specific bond are not met, the guarantors, the Insurer or the Bank, that has guaranteed the bond is called upon to pay out the duty amount to KRA.

These Bonds are executed using prescribed forms as specified by the laid down laws and regulations. They have specific numbers that differenciate them and are captured in the Customs system (CB 1 to 18). They also carry potential liability of accrual of penalties and represent a debit with Customs. They are required to be cancelled when the goods sucessfully reach the required markets.

Deterioration Of Stock

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Directors & Officers Liability

The Director's and Officer's (D&O) liability policy offers protection to current, future, and past directors and officers of a company against the conseqences/lawsuits filed by shareholders, regulators, state investigators or other third parties for actual or alleged wrongful acts when acting in the scope of their managerial duties . The D&O is a claims made basis; Claims are only covered if they are made when the policy is in effect.

The Policy also covers the Director's and Officer's personal assests which may be used to satisfy plaintiff's demands for damages arising from these lawsuits

Electronic Equipment

The Electronic Equipment policy protects the insured's equipment against unforseen and sudden physical loss and/or damage. The causes of the loss/damage includes:-

Accidental damage



Internal damage due to short circuiting, etc

This cover is suitable for various electronic items usually found in an office set up including hospitals, schools, etc

In the case of computers, the cover can be extended to cover:-

Costs of replacing lost or damaged external data

Costs of reproducing lost data

Increased costs of working as a result of loss or damage of the equipment

The policy operates when the insured items are at work, at rest or being dismantled/overhauled or being shifted within the premises or in other functions

The cover can be extended to cover temporary transits away from the premises

Employers Liability

TheEmployer's Liability policy covers for legal liability compensation consequent upon death or body injury to or illiness of an employee, which occurs during and in the course of employment. The incident must have resulted in a legal claim being made against the insured during the insurance period.

For Family Bank to accept an Employer's Liability Proposal, it is MANDATORY for the insured to have taken a WIBA policy with us. Employer's Liability compensates additional compensation over and above the worker's WIBA compensation benefits upon a court judgement for negligence on the part of the employer.

Erections All Risk

All Risks Insurance policy provides cover for loss of or damage to property insured arising from fire, theft or any accidental damage with exception of specific named exclusions

Fidelity Guarantee

The Fidelity Guarantee policy offers protection against loss of money or goods in the places of work, through dishonest and fraudulent acts of the employees

This Policy can be arranged for named positions or on all employees of the Insured.

The cover is very important as theft by employees is excluded in most insurance policies

Fire Conloss

The Fire & Peril policy covers material damage loss only. A consequential loss policy, however, covers loss of revenue when investment is rendered temporarily unproductive owing to damage by an insured peril.

Fire consequential loss must be taken up together with a fire (material damage) policy.

Every consequential loss policy must contain a PROVISION that at the time of the happening of the damage there shall be in force, an insurance covering the interest of the premises against such damage and that the payment shall have been made or liability admitted thereof under such insurance.

The insured must prove insurable interest in the property for the consequential loss to be placed.

Fire Industrial

This policy provides Financial Protection against damage or destruction to insured property arising from Fire, Lighting or explosion of domestic appliances

The Fire and Perils is an extension of the basic cover that extends to include the following:-

Riot & Strike

Malicious Damage


Special Perils (water perils of flood, blocked drains, etc

Earthquake cover

Bush fire, etc


Motor Policy Description.

Goods In Transit

  • Goods in Transit policy covers specific goods carried in against risks of loss and/or damage while in transit from point A to the point of destination, within a specified geographical area specified in the policy. This loss and/or damage may arise from:-
  • Collision
  • Overturning
  • Fire or Explosion
  • Derailment
  • Theft arising from the accident
  • Hijacking
  • The Policy also protects the insured from liability during loading or unloading of the goods and temporary housing in the course of transit.
  • The cover is available to individuals or companies transporting goods/in the business of transporting goods

Group Credit

Group Policy Description

Group Last Expense

Group Policy Description

Group Personal Accident

The Group Personal Accident policy is designed to help employers provide personal insurance beyond the minimum requirement by law.

This policy can be arranged on named or un-named basis and is designed according to the client's requirements. It is a 24 hour world wide cover. The Sums insured are based on salary or category of employee as the client's requirements. The cover can be tailor made according to the clients needs.

Home Insurance

Your home is your haven. Protect your most valued investments both inside and out. FBIA Homes covers your home, its contents and your employees.

Immigration Bond

Immigration Bonds are bonds used for the purpose of obtaining work permits. They are issued to non-citizens where the Insurer guarantees their conduct while they are in Kenya. Should they fail to perform in conduct or performance, the Insurer will be called upon to pay the cost of deportation and/or the result of their conduct or perfornmance

Industrial All Risk

All Risks Insurance policy provides cover for loss of or damage to property insured arising from fire, theft or any accidental damage with exception of specific named exclusions


Group Policy Description


  • The Livestock Insurance policy provides protection against loss from death of specified livestock due to unavoidable or uncontrollable circumstances e.g:-
  • Accidental death due to lighting, internal and external injury, pregnancy, fire, windstorm, snakebites, flooding and electrocution
  • Diseases of terminal nature
  • Theft by use of force when a paddock or under zero grazing
  • Transit risks within a radius of 25Km
  • Internal and external injury
  • Emergency slaughter on the advise of a qualified veterinary surgeon as a result of accidents, illiness and diseases
  • Cover can be extended to cover calving and furrowing complications

Machinery Breakdown

This is an All Risk Policy which covers all Perils except what is specifically excluded arising from unforseen and sudden physical loss or damage to the insured machinery

Following an accidental damage to the machine, the policy takes care of all the repair costs provided the costs do not exceed the actual value of the machinery at the time of the loss

Machinery Breakdown LOP


The Machinery Breakdown Insurance does not protect the insured against all losses which arise in connectiion with the breakdown of the machinery. In most cases, a material loss also causes interruption or interference in the insured's business operations. The result of this interruption is a finacial loss in the form of LOST PROFITS and standing charges. For us to accept a MLOP, there must be a Machinery Breakdown Policy for the subject matter (machinery) that when damaged, would cause an interruption to the business resulting in loss of profits.

Marine Cargo

Marine Cargo Insurance covers the risks of loss or damage to goods and merchandise during transit by sea, rail, air or road.

Marine Hull

In contrast to the Marine Cargo, we offer the Marine Hull policy that covers against loss or damage to the physical boat, its machinery and the equipments. It covers all damage or loss not specifically excluded by the policy

Medical Insurance

Health Policy Description.

Mobile Insurance

We provide FBIA Mobile cover for accidental damage and loss/theft of the phone among selected models including standard accessories e.g. earphone, gear and charger. Our policy allows for one cover per device with internet access.


The policy covers loss of cash/money under the following circumstances:-

Mortgage Protection Insurance

Mortgage Protection Insurance Policy Description.

Motor Commercial (Cranes, Forklifts, Excavators)

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Commercial Driving Schools

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Commercial General Cartage

Our Motor Commercial General Cartage covers vehicle damage arising from collision, fire, overturning, theft of parts, accessories or the entire vehicle.

It also covers third party legal liabilities arising from property damage or personal body injuries (excluding the driver and the loader)

The cover is not liable for damage to the contents being carried in the vehicle, as well as, consequential loss arising there of or depreciation to tryes, unless the damage is caused to other parts of the vehicle at the same time.

Motor Commercial Institutional Vehicles

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Commercial Own Goods

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Commercial School Bus

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Commercial Special A (Agricultural & Forestry)

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Commercial Special B (Ambulance & Fire Fighting)

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Commercial Tankers

Motor Policy Description.

Motor Pack

Excess Free Insurance with Free Countrywide 24 Hour Motor Accident Assistance. EXCESS FREE means, NO extra charges in case you are involved in an accident

Motor Private

Family Bank provides protection to all models of private vehicles e.g. (saloons, station wagons, estates and large four wheel drives) for use as social, domestic and pleasure purposes and is insured from road accidents, theft of whole or parts of the vehicle and legal liabilities arising from third party property damage or personal injury. This is with exception of use as PSV and Hire services

Motor Trade Road Risks

Motor Policy Description.

Motorcycle Private

Take pleasure in riding your motor cycle at home or in connection with your business (with exception of carriage of passengers for hire or reward). We provide protection from road accidents, theft of whole or parts of the motor cycle or legal liabilities arising from third party property damage or third party body injury in connection with insured's business only.

Motorcycle Psv

Motor Policy Description.

New Orient Endowment

Group Policy Description

Orient 4 Life

Group Policy Description

Orient Educator

Group Policy Description

Orient Endowment

Group Policy Description

Orient Group Life

Group Policy Description

Orient Group Mortgage

Group Policy Description

Orient Smart Asset

Group Policy Description

Orient Smart Educator

Group Policy Description

Performance Bond

Performance Bonds are bonds issued to contractors against non-performance/default of contractual work given to them by their employers, where contractors are supposed to carry out and complete the work stated in the manner and time specified in therein. The bond amount is usually 10% pf the contract value which is payable/evoked if specific conditions are not met.

Personal Accident

The FBIA Personal Accident cover provides 24 hours world wide coverage in the event of injuries, disability or death sorely caused by violent accidental, external and visible events.

Plate Glass

This is a specially enhanced business cover for small and medium enterprises. It provides cover on declared stock and business related tools and property against the risk of fire & lightning, burglary, political risk & acts of terrorism and all risks.

Political Violence and Terrorism

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Product Liability


The policy protects an insured person or organization against their legal liability to members of the public (third parties) arising from:-

(i) Accidental death or bodily injury (including illness to any persons and or

(ii) Accidental loss or or damage to tangible property arising from

1. Any thing harmful or defective in any product manufactured, assembled, processed, modified, repaired, serviced, altered, labelled, handled, sold or supplied by or through the insured in the course of or in connection with the insured business

2. The defective condition of the containers of such products

The Company will in addition pay:-

1. All litigation expenses incurred with the written consent of the company coverable by any claimant from the insured and

2. All costs and expenses incurred with the company's consent subject to the terms and conditions of the policy

Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity Policy

The policy indemnifies an insured from losses resulting from professional malpractice.

The professions include:- Lawyers, valuers, engineers, auditors, medical practitioners, pharmacists, Trustees, professional business organizations heads, etc

The Benefits include:-

Defamation costs

Fees & Expenses

Loss of Documents

Court judgements

24/7 coverage

Psv Asset

FBIA Motor Policy Description.

Psv Chauffeur Driven

FBIA Motor Policy Description.

Psv Matatu

FBIA Motor Policy Description.

Psv Self Drive

FBIA Motor Policy Description.

Psv Taxi

FBIA Motor Policy Description.

Psv Tuk Tuk

FBIA Motor Policy Description.

Public Liability


The Policy protects an insured person or organization against their legal liability to members of the public (third parties) arising from:-

(i) Death or bodily injury to third parties

(ii) Loss or damage to third party property

occassioned out of and in the course of the insured's normal business within the premises or a defined geographical location

The policy also covers the costs of defending any suit brought against the insured (defence costs) in addition to any court award that may be made against the insured by a court of law in Kenya

School Pack

Comprehensive pack tailor made product covering schools and other learning institutions.

SME Combined

This Package is a combination of relevant products designed for Small and Micro Entrerprises according to the clients requirements. Some of the common products in all small businesses are:-

Fire and perils

Business Interruption

Electronic Equipment


All Risks


Plate Glass

Fidelity Guarantee

Goods in Transit

Carriers Liability

Public Liability

Work Injury Benefit Act

Employers Liability

Group Personal Accident

Machinery Breakdown

Political Violence and Terrorism cover

Stock Floater

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Stock Insurance

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Students Personal Accident

The FBIA Personal Accident cover provides 24 hours world wide coverage in the event of injuries, disability or death sorely caused by violent accidental, external and visible events.

Touring Guarantee

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Transit Bond

Non-Motor Policy Description.

Trustee Liability


The Policy protects Trustees, Employees, the Employer and any said Scheme in the event of claims arising from errors or omissions made in the course of managing or administering the property in respect to the past, present or future benefits.


(i) Cover for claims arising out of wrongful acts (errors and omissions)

(ii) The cost of defending the claims

Tuk Tuk - Commercial

Insurance cover for Tuk tuks against accidental loss or damage and/or death, bodily injury or loss or damage to property of third parties arising out of use and/or operated by the insured.

our Wiba policy covers any occupational illinesses and accidents arising during the course of employment including medical explenses and loss of wages for either bodily injury or the death of an employee as per the Wiba Act 2007.

The Work Injury Benefits Act 2007 was enacted to provide for compensation to employees for work related injuries and diseases contracted in the course of their employment and requires that employers obtain and maintain insurance in respect of liabilities incurred under the Act. Wiba is designed to provide this cover for an employer's liability under the Act.


The WIBA policy covers any occupational illness and accidents during the course of employment, including medical expenses and loss of wages for either body injury or the death of an employee as per the WIBA Act 2007.

The WIBA 2007 was enacted to compensate employees for work related injuries and diseases contracted in the course of their employment and requires that employers obtain and maintain insurance in respect of liabilities incurred under the Act. WIBA is designed to provide this cover as an employer's liability under the Act.


Motor Policy Description.