Product Details | FBIA

  • The policy provides protection against loss arising from death of specified livestock due to unavoidable or uncontrollable circumstances e.g:-

  • Accidental death due to lighting, internal and external injury, pregnancy, fire, windstorm, snakebites, flooding and electrocution
  • Diseases of terminal nature
  • Theft by use of force when a paddock or under zero grazing
  • Transit risks within a radius of 25Km
  • Internal and external injury
  • Emergency slaughter on the advise of a qualified veterinary surgeon as a result of accidents, illiness and diseases
  • Cover can be extended to cover calving and furrowing complications

  • All breeds of dairy cows
  • Beef cows
  • Goats and sheep
  • Poultry
  • Rabbits
  • Pigs
  • Bees
  • Fish
  • Horses
  • Domestic Pets

  • This is an annual policy
  • Insured value is as per the Veterinary Certificate

  • Cover is based on the Veterinary Valuation which is agreed prior to going on cover

  • Duly completed proposal form
  • Current veterinary and valuation report
  • Cattle below eight(8) years of age

  • Willful misconduct or willful destruction without the consent of the Insurer
  • Feeding poison or poisoning through spray
  • Pre-existing diseases
  • Mysterious disappearance or unaccountable losses
  • Culling losses
  • Theft in areas prone to banditry
  • Death of animal(s) from diseases  within 31 days of cover commencement.  
  • Disease as a result of non follow up of vaccination and deworming
  • Injury or death caused by fire of any firearm
  • Extrinsic starvation, malnutrition and famine
  • Participation in trade fairs or exhibitions
  • Medical treatment by unqualified practitioner
  • Impotence & infertility
  • Livestock of over eight(8) years of age
  • Losses as a result of nuclear, radioactive contamination, war, terrorism or political risks

  • Contact us within 24 hours of becoming aware of a situation that is likely to give rise to a claim
  • Take reasonable steps to minimize the loss
  • Lodge a police report immediately you suspect criminal involvement in death of the animal/livestock or where theft of the animal/livestock has taken place
  • Forward all necessary claim documentation e.g. Postmortem Report, Dated photo of the dead animal's unopened carcass
  • The company may investigate where necessary