Product Details | FBIA

Our FBIA Business provides Financial Protection for loss or damage to the insured's property arising from :-

Accidental fire

Explosion (excluding commercial boilers)

Riots, Strikes or other malicious damage provided that the insured does not participate in the event


Burglary/Theft from visible violent damage to the insured's premises

Armed Robbery with the exception of Theft/Robbery by the employees


Provides comprehensive cover  for Small and Micro Enterprises (includes cover for Fidelity Guarantee, Public Liability,  Wiba and the option to take cover for All Risks)

Completion of one proposal form

Availability of one policy document

Very simplified policy document wording

Easy payment terms


Political violence and Terrorism

All Risks 


Duly completed proposal form

Certificate of Good Conduct for the two employees covered

Details of specific items and their models, Serial numbers and values for items covered under All Risk

Copies of the business registration

Copies of business PIN 


Provide a schedule of sum insureds

The insured must keep a set of books/invoices and receipts for all stock bought and sold.  When the shop is not open for business, these records must be stored inside a fire proof safe or locked in another building.

The premises must be guarded by a watchman (common or individual) when the business is closed or unoccupied


Report incident/loss within 3 days of happening

Provide all necessary claim documents (police abstract, claim form, books of records of stock and receipts for purchases of these stock in trade